Web Analytics

Our web analytics strategies allow your business to optimize and tailor your web experience to how your visitors and customers interact with your website. Growth needs data, and we know how to gather, analyze and harness the power of your website data. Get in touch with SMART SEO today, and let us use data to shape your website growth.


    $3 billion

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    7.8 million




    What we do?

    Web analytics collects web activity data, including traffic sources, site referrals, page views, and conversion rates. The insights from web analytics are compiled into your customer relationship management analytics (CRM analytics) and advise your website optimization strategies.

    We conduct off-site web analytics to monitor your performance among competitors and on-site analytics to track user activity on your website, including on-site engagement, page tagging, and even log file analysis.

    the growth analysis

    Our web analytics roadmap

    01. Set your analytics goals

    We use analytics tools like Google Analytics to collect and structure web analytics data. We collect web data from the network, data layer, application access levels on the website protocols, and external data on web usage from regional IP data to ad click-through rates.

    02. Analyze and process data

    We turn the raw data into structured and practical data reports that form basis for creating detailed strategies to boost your website performance. Our analytics experience, advanced data science tools and proprietary tools provide a deeper level of accuracy.

    03. Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter

    Web analytics relies on data points as indicators of performance. We analyze website data based on metrics like bounce rates, unique user numbers, user sessions on the page, and on-site behavior, including search queries and pages browsed.

    04. Develop a strategy

    Our web analytics services agency uses data-driven insights to formulate strategies that accelerate your business goals. We help your business develop a concise and consistent optimization strategy that gives your users an improved experience and bolsters your digital marketing goals and agenda.

    5. Experiment. Test. Implement

    We define and test different web optimization strategies to find a strategy that yields the best results for your business based on data. We conduct A/B testing for your ads and audience to ensure that only your high-performing marketing campaigns are launched.

    5. Experiment. Test. Implement

    We define and test different web optimization strategies to find a strategy that yields the best results for your business based on data. We conduct A/B testing for your ads and audience to ensure that only your high-performing marketing campaigns are launched.

    Let data be your biggest strength

    Get in touch with our experts today and experience what difference data-backed strategies make for your business.

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      Comprehensive analytics reports

      Why choose our web
      analytics services

      Our data analytics experts collect, analyze and report data from hundreds of analytics factors. We compile raw data and structure it into easy-to-digest and implementable solutions. Our reports feature data on;

        What all services we offer?

        Google Analytics

        Our Google Analytics experts use the Google Analytics tool to customize dashboards, set up reporting, manage ecommerce tracking and evaluate data analysis from your google Analytics platform. Your Google Analytics manager will configure and manage your account, conduct routine audits, implement analytics strategies and compile performance data.

        Google tag manager

        Our Google Tag Manager specialist helps your website manage tags efficiently without editing & tweaking your website code. Our experts handle the testing, designing & managing all your Google tags. It helps your business make data-driven decisions to optimize your website while providing tag clean-up, deployment, audit, maintenance.


        We provide Datalayer installation and setup, variable creation and implementation, custom methods setup, DOM management, and ensuring integration with Google Analytics, GTM, and third-party tags. Our Datalayer experts help your business collect relevant data from your website and collate it into a detailed report on all the data points relevant to your business.

        Google Analytics

        Our Google Analytics experts use the Google Analytics tool to customize dashboards, set up reporting, manage ecommerce tracking and evaluate data analysis from your google Analytics platform. Your Google Analytics manager will configure and manage your account, conduct routine audits, implement analytics strategies and compile performance data.

        Google Tag manager

        Our Google Tag Manager specialist helps your website manage tags efficiently without editing & tweaking your website code. Our experts handle the testing, designing & managing all your Google tags. It helps your business make data-driven decisions to optimize your website while providing tag clean-up, deployment, audit, maintenance.


        We provide Datalayer installation and setup, variable creation and implementation, custom methods setup, DOM management, and ensuring integration with Google Analytics, GTM, and third-party tags. Our Datalayer experts help your business collect relevant data from your website and collate it into a detailed report on all the data points relevant to your business.