PPC Audit

Get more out of your search marketing PPC programs with PPC audits from SMART SEO.
A PPC audit is a comprehensive analysis of your PPC campaigns and how to optimize them for higher ROI. A PPC audit is the best way to analyze your PPC programs from a professional perspective and gain recommendations on the best way to optimize your campaigns.

    Measuring Performance and ROI

    PPC Audits & It's Importance

    PPC audit data tells the story of how your paid ads perform and whether your strategies deliver as expected. PPC audit services assess your PPC campaigns’ short-term and long-term performance, costs, and ROI. As a PPC marketing and PPC audit firm, SMART SEO provides in-depth, detailed PPC audits that blend automated tool-based PPC audits and comprehensive, strategic audits with a customer and growth-first perspective.

    A strong PPC campaign should deliver noticeable and measurable results to your business; the only way to determine if the PPC campaign is doing so is through a PPC audit.
    Signs It’s Time to Call Smart SEO

    When to Get a PPC Audit From SMART SEO?

    PPC audits from our PPC audit company aim to streamline inefficiencies that may not be readily apparent with your PPC programs. You should get a PPC audit from SMART SEO if:

    Powerful Insights, Custom Plans

    Expert PPC Audits

    Our PPC audits are performed by SEM, SEO, and PPC experts with decades of experience conducting PPC audits. We leverage extensive experience and knowledge with powerful in-house PPC tools to draft custom PPC audit plans and create reports that offer more than numbers and graphs.
    Work with Our Experts

    Schedule Your PPC Audit Today

    Speak to one of our experts today and set up a PPC audit for your local service or entire PPC campaign.

      Improving PPC ROI

      Account Structure Audit

      A PPC audit on your account structure analyzes the structure of your campaigns. We check that your brand search terms and keywords, including negative keywords, match your PPC campaign goals. The structure of your account should reflect your brand message and personality. We analyze:

      Our PPC auditors will also analyze your ad placement to weed out poor-performing platforms and optimize your platform selection. Our ad platform analysis focuses on checking your ad placement selections, banner sizes, automatic placements, cookies, and even setups for targeting metrics.
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      Tuning Your PPC Keywords

      Keyword and Copywriting Audit

      Our PPC audit company provides keyword auditing that ensures your PPC ad campaigns fully utilize your keyword selections. We ensure that your ad designs feature intentional copywriting that uses relevant and profitable keywords. We analyze your entire ad copy and keyword structure regarding:

      Our keyword auditing service also confirms your PPC IP exclusions and extensions and how they affect your ad rankings and impressions.

        PPC Auditing Services

        Ad Assets and Landing Page Copy Audit

        Your ads and landing page are the most important parts of your PPC campaign. Our auditors check your ad copy on the landing page, display, and search ads to ensure they are relevant to the specific target group and effectively present your brand message.
        We ensure your copy features relevant, targeted keywords, and enough copy variants are available for all your ad groups. We check for spelling mistakes, negative keywords, duplicate copy, and your overall quality score for the keywords used. We evaluate your ad structure and landing page and check the messaging, landing page number of ads, ad placement, URLs and links, and your ad rankings.
        Revitalize PPC Performance

        Why Choose SMART SEO's PPC Audit?

        01. Tech-enabled PPC Audits

        Our PPC audit agency leverages software analytics to gather insights into your PPC campaigns. Our tool-based PPC audits collect granulated performance data from custom metrics that are used to evaluate the performance of your PPC campaign.

        02.Comprehensive PPC Audits

        We leave nothing to chance, not when your growth and ROI is at stake. Our comprehensive PPC audits deep dive into your PPC campaigns from every angle and perspective across all your PPC advertising networks, from social media platforms to search engines like Google Ads Network.

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        PPC Bid Auditing

        Bidding and Account Management Audit

        PPC is a paid campaign, and you must get value for your money. Our PPC bidding specialists analyze your bid patterns and structure to ensure they are in your best interests. We analyze your audience and correlate your PPC bids with audience behavior to discover which bids are aligned with your goals and audience behavior.

        Our audits:

        Comprehensive and Structured

        Customized PPC Audits

        Our PPC audit firm follows a structured and comprehensive process customized to your business to ensure your PPC audit covers every aspect of your campaigns. Our PPC audit checklist analyzes different parts combined into a solid PPC strategy.

        Transform Your PPC Campaigns

        Get your PPC campaigns audited today and shed the extra ad weight while doubling down on profitable campaigns.

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          Measure Campaign Success

          PPC Tracking and Reporting Audit

          Tracking and monitoring your PPC ads is essential in tracking the right metrics for your time and effort. Our PPC audit specialists will ensure your conversion tags are firing correctly, your conversions are tracked consistently, and your results are relevant and valuable.
          We track the actions representing value-addition for your business while streamlining correct tracking settings and aligning metrics with your campaign goals. We offer a review of your PPC metrics and help your business double down on the metrics that matter to your company and make a difference like:
          Maximize ROI

          PPC Campaign Optimization

          We analyze your bid spend and how your ad dollars are distributed across ad networks and whether your ROI is in line with your goals. Our PPC audit experts will check the ads you are bidding on and their relevance, including ad rotations and A/B testing.
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          Boosting PPC Results

          Ad Targeting and Evaluation

          PPC performance is dependent on your ad targeting strategies. The more efficient and precise your audience targeting and segmentation, the more profitable your PPC ad campaigns are. When it comes to targeting, our audit experts will check on:

            Identifying High-Performing Ads

            Ad Performance Evaluation

            Our ad evaluation weeds out the poor-performing ads and spotlights the performing ads. Our ad evaluation process analyzes: