Social Media Audit

A social media audit evaluates how you manage your social media platforms. An audit evaluates how your efforts are performing and how far you are from your goals. SMART SEO offers social media audit services that help your business gauge whether you are on the right track to your goals or missing the mark.

Rather than improvise with no plan, our social media audit gives you a professional review of your social media accounts, advertising campaigns, and their performance based on growth opportunities and your social media presence, among other metrics.

    Comprehensive Yearly Analysis

    Social Media Audit Agency

    Our social media audit agency helps track and monitor year-over-year changes across your entire social media platforms while evaluating big-picture trends and offering recommendations. From taking inventory of your social media profiles to claiming old accounts and examining all the backlog analytics, our social media audits leave nothing to chance.
    Analysis of Social Media Goals

    Social Media Goals Audit

    Are you focusing on what matters to your business? Our social media management specialists will analyze your social media goals and how they contribute to your bottom line. We’ll analyze your activity calendar, posts, audience goals, budget, and digital marketing strategy. Our experts will analyze your current effort, from ads to engagements, how your goals compare to your strategies, and what is possible within your budget.
    Uncovering Missed Opportunities

    SMART SEO Audits

    Create audits that uncover missed opportunities that represent a perfect fit for your business growth goals with SMART SEO

      Consistency and Performance

      Platform Audit

      Our platform audit includes an audit of your profiles across all platforms and whether they are consistent with your brand message and what your audience wants to see. We check for compatibility, uniqueness, completeness, and how your profile performs against the competition.
      Budget Audit Analysis

      Social Media Advertising Budget Audit

      Paid social media marketing campaigns are crucial to your social media strategy. Done right, they could bring immense growth, but being too spendthrift on the wrong solutions or not spending enough could mean stunted growth. Our budget audit experts evaluate your budget and social media spending and how your costs affect your budget, whether they deliver on your intended goals and how they stack up with the competition.
      We analyze your:
      We evaluate your budget, how your expenditure matches your ROI, and whether your campaigns are making money.
      Recommendations and Next Steps

      Social Media Audit Report

      Once the audit is done, our experts will compile a concise and detailed audit report that includes recommendations on how your can rethink and strategize your social media profiles and get back on track to your goals. Our strategists help your business figure out the next steps, including restructuring your goals and strategy, retargeting ads, and focusing on the metrics that matter to your business before the next audit.
      Coverage Overview

      What your social media audit covers?

      01. Social Media Platform Performance Audit

      Get an in-depth analysis of whether advertising on a particular platform is the best idea for your business by examining your profile's performance in the channel. Our channel audits pay attention to each platform's community growth and engagement metrics and benchmark them against your goals and competitor success. We audit your engagements and sentiments on each profile and analyze whether your interactions are primarily negative or positive on each platform. We analyze posting times, content consumption, ad performance, and other essential metrics.

      02. Social Media Content and Ad Copy Review

      We take a deeper look into how your content is resonating with your audience in regards to metrics like page views, clicks, bounce rates, conversions, website traffic, and how close or far they are from your intended goals Social media content, including paid ads, is scrutinized for mobile performance, audience impressions, and even audience behavior with your social ads across the different platforms. We check the effectiveness of you're A/B split testing and audience targeting and how your ads or posts are contributing to your social media growth.

      03. Social Media Strategy Audit

      Your social media strategy is your lifeline, but is it strong enough, and does it play well with your goals and budget? Our social media audit experts audit your social media strategy, including content calendar, marketing and advertisement plans, tracking and monitoring plans, quality control, account and community management, among other aspects of your social media strategy. We analyze how well your strategy matches the audience based on their actions and whether your ad spend positively impacts your ROI. We listen, analyze and compile performance reports on your strategy and gauge them according to your goals and what the rest of the competition is doing.

      04. Audience and Community Audit

      Your audience and social media community is your business's source of revenue, but are you targeting the right audience, and how are your efforts performing? Our auditors analyze your audience targeting strategy and how receptive your segmented audience is to your marketing campaigns or social media posts. We compare your followers to engagement rates and how your posts and ads perform in different demographics. We analyze social interactions from clicks, comments, and likes to page shares and website visits from your target audience and benchmark the data with your competition.

      Getting Back on Track

      Whatever your goals or motivations for social media, our audits give you a clean bill of health to get your social media campaigns back on track and spend your dollars on what matters most.

        Building Citations and Reputation

        Audit Metrics

        Our social media audits are customized to your specific brand needs and the custom metrics that matter to your business. Our social media audits are designed to thoroughly analyze every vital aspect of your profile and leave no metric untouched.
        Our audits include metrics like:
        Staying Ahead of Competition

        Assessment of Emerging Opportunities

        Social media is ever-changing, and you must stay ahead of the competition. We ensure your business maximizes reach into new platforms that resonate with your brand image and advertising goals.
        Our audits aim to give your business an understanding of how your business is performing, what the future plans need to look like and how far you are from your goals. Our audit reviews and recommendations give you a roadmap to your goals; whether you need to grow followers on a certain platform, increase engagement or even broaden your audience, you get the complete playbook to ace the competition and meet your goals.
        Focused Metrics Analysis

        Laser-focused Audits

        Rather than get overwhelmed, our social media audits are set up to focus on and prioritize social media metrics that match your goals. This reduces the effort of the audits and cuts down the turnaround time for each audit. We drill down on posts and ads and highlight their performance regarding campaign goals and their contribution to your strategy.